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The Corvinus Scholarship review will start on Monday

2022-06-07 14:55:21

Monday 4 July 2022, 10:00 to Friday 8 July 2022, 12:00.
Corvinus Épület

After the examination period, until 31 July the University will complete the review of the Corvinus Scholarship, i.e. it will decide who can study free of charge in the next academic year. Our article summarises the most important information, but please follow the news feed in the MyCorvinus application and our website continuously, because that is where you will find further details. 

We support talent 
Most of our students study free of charge at the University, and 74% of students in undergraduate programmes and 85% of students in graduate programmes received Corvinus Scholarships. The objective of the review is to give a chance for free-of-charge university studies to students whose admission exam was not so good, but showed maximum performance in the past two semesters. 

What should you do? 
If you do not have a Corvinus Scholarship now, you have to apply for it through the Neptun after the examination period. However, if you already have a Corvinus Scholarship, you have to take steps only if you enrolled in the spring semester of academic year 2019/2020, as in that case you have to submit an application, also through the Neptun.

If you wish to apply, check your eligibility 

Before submitting your application, it is worth checking if you are eligible to be considered by the University in the ranking process, i.e. if you meet the minimum preconditions. The review will be conducted on the basis of the results of your last two active semesters in which you did not participate in partial training or internship abroad. 

Conditions of being considered in the ranking process:

  • If you enrolled in the spring semester of academic year 2019/2020, then – based on the value of the arithmetic average (with two decimals) weighted with the credit scores of subjects completed in the evaluated two semesters – you had to achieve an academic performance of at least 3.5, and you had to collect at least 46 credits in the two semesters together (both conditions have to be met).  
  • If you started your studies later, you have to achieve an average academic result of at least 3.80 in the two evaluated semesters, and collect at least 46 credits in the two semesters together (both conditions have to be met in this case, too). 

Students who are eligible according to the above considerations will be ranked by the University in each programme, and in the next semester – in the same ratio of students within the programme as in the semester of admission – students with good performances will get the Corvinus Scholarship.  

Use the average calculator!

It may be a big help for you to use the average calculator on the website of the Students’ Union, where you can easily calculate both your Acamedic Average and Scholarship Average as well as the Corvinus Scholarship. In addition, the platform also counts ETC in a half year and full year version. You can find more information about the different average types including descriptions and calculation methods. You can access the average calculator here.

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