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“The Business Aspects of Leisure Sports”, edited by Ágnes Szabó, has been published

2024-03-12 12:28:00

The online book, published by Akadémiai Publishers, includes chapters by several Corvinus authors.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

In the book published by Akadémiai Kiadó, alongside the chapters of the editor, Ágnes Szabó, senior assistant professor at the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, valuable chapters by Krisztina András, Zoltán Jandó, Zsolt Havran (Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation), Kornélia Kiss, Miklós Kozma (Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation), Tünde Máté, and Attila Szathmári (Institute of Operations and Decision Sciences) can be found.  

The book approaches leisure sports from a comprehensive perspective based on management fundamentals, aiming to help readers acquire the basic concepts, operational models of leisure sports, thoroughly understand the dimensions of value creation, leisure sports markets, and the roles and tasks of various stakeholders. Business operations are prominently featured, including characteristics of services, strategic planning, and internationalization. Leisure sports events and leisure sports tourism are also included in the book. The central idea of the book is value creation. In leisure sports, social benefits are much more significant than in professional sports. Sustainability is also related to this, as a relatively newly examined area in leisure sports, so this topic is also discussed.  

The book’s reviewer, Dávid Paár, habilitated associate professor at the University of Pécs and University of Sopron, describes the publication as “serving a pioneering goal in the domestic literature. It can also be well used in higher education, as there is no book summarizing the various economic aspects of leisure sports in Hungarian. Although sporadically we may encounter publications analyzing the intertwining of sport and economic life, a complete book format specifically focusing on the leisure sports segment of the sports industry and exploring it from multiple aspects is not found.” In addition to students, educators, and researchers in leisure sports, the book may also be useful for entrepreneurs and practical professionals, with the offline version expected to be released in 2024. 

Available on mersz.hu: https://mersz.hu/szabo-a-szabadidosport-uzleti-mukodese/ 

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