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The attitudes of young citizens in higher education towards universal basic income in the context of automation—A qualitative study – Publication by Lilla Vicsek

2022-09-02 14:03:45

The article co-authored by Lilla Vicsek was published in the International Journal of Social Welfare.
Corvinus Épület

One of the primary reasons for introducing the discussion about universal basic income (UBI) into political debate was to understand whether UBI could serve a good response to the negative consequences of technology-driven job replacement. It is also a question whether citizens would accept UBI. Based on 30 interviews with Hungarian university students, we investigate the attitudes of young citizens to the introduction of UBI in a hypothetical scenario, situated in 2060, when technological unemployment is high. Interviewees expressed optimistic views about the future labour market and dismissed the scenario, preferring the option of job-creation. Students claimed that people would become useless members of society by not working, which argument echoes the Hungarian government’s discourse about the need for work-based society. Students also stressed that work gives meaning to life. These narratives show a traditional understanding of work that might inhibit advocates from increasing social support for UBI. 

Dr. Vicsek Lilla Mária lilla.vicsek@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Társadalom- és Politikatudományi Intézet / Szociológia Tanszék
Egyetemi docens / Associate Professor
C épület, 525
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