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Support Corvinus students who are in a difficult situation due to the Covid pandemic with 1% of your tax!

2021-04-20 07:51:29

Contribute 1% of your personal income tax now to further expand the extraordinary social scholarship, helping students in need

The coronavirus pandemic has created an extraordinary situation in the lives of all of us over the past year, and we have faced many challenges. Many young people also found themselves in difficult circumstances, due to unexpected financial or even health problems for themselves or their families. In addition to the possibility of a regular social scholarship, the Corvinus University of Budapest provides extraordinary social support to students in need who have experienced an extraordinary event in their own or their family’s life or social situation.

Corvinus, E épület

It is worth knowing that 1% PIT offerings will increase BCE’s extraordinary social scholarship framework.

NAV( National Tax and Customs Administration) will inform the beneficiary organizations of the amount of the offers by 15 September. The student can apply for extraordinary social support at any time of the year through a public application, whether he or she is studying in a Corvinus Scholarship or in a self-funded form. The scholarship is available to students with active student status studying in full-time undergraduate, shared or undivided master’s degree, and the application can be submitted once during the academic year for one circumstance.


Beneficiary’s tax number: 19156972-2-44

Beneficiary name: Corvinus University of Budapest


Electronically if you have a customer portal registration. In this case, you can fill your declaration of 1% tax via the ( National Tax and Custom Admininstration)NAV E-PIT website (eszja.nav.gov.hu). (If you don’t already have a customer portal, you can learn how to register here.)

You can submit it in paper form by post or in a sealed envelope to (NTCA)NAV’s customer services in person or by proxy, together with the personal income tax return. In the latter case, please place the disposable declaration (20EGYSZA forms) in a standard-sized envelope with your name, address, and tax identification number. It is important that on the closed envelope must have the taxpayer’s signature at the place of gluing.

The deadline for submitting the declaration is May 20, 2021. 

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