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Successes in the STARTING and ADVANCED Research Grant Programs

2024-12-18 11:29:00

Corvinus University is celebrating new research achievements, as our researchers have secured funding under the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office's (NKFIH) 2024 National Excellence Research Program.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

STARTING: Supporting Early-Career Researchers 

The STARTING program targets young researchers who are at the beginning of their careers but already demonstrate significant scientific potential. The aim of this grant is to provide these promising researchers with the opportunity to carry out projects that serve as a foundation for their future professional development. 

Our successful researcher under the STARTING program: 

  • Marieke Pahlke, project title: Navigating Strategic Interactions with Imprecise Information”. 
    Funding amount: 99,289,000 HUF. 

ADVANCED: Ambitious Projects for Experienced Researchers 

The ADVANCED program is open to researchers with extensive experience and notable scientific achievements. This grant enables leading researchers to work on ambitious and innovative projects that can generate significant societal and economic impacts. 

Our successful researchers under the ADVANCED program: 

  • Miklós Pálfia, project title: Nonlinear analysis and means in metric and operator spaces”. 
    Funding amount: 42,241,000 HUF.
  • Dávid István Losonci, project title: Competitive firms in the era of twin transition – challenges in the manufacturing sector of the Central European region”. 
    Funding amount: 117,752,000 HUF. 

Congratulations to all three researchers on their outstanding achievements, and we wish them great success in the implementation of their projects! 

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