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Student Union election to start soon

2022-04-07 10:21:08

Take part in the election of the student interest representation body of the University!
Végzős hallgatók

Every two years, you have the opportunity to vote for the members of the Student Union, and the next voting period will be this spring, so we have summarised the key information. 

Why is it important? 

The Student Union is the most important interest representation body of students. In addition to constant discussions with the leadership of the University, they have altogether 3 votes in one of the highest decision-making body of the University, the Senate, have the right to consent on the regulations of the Study and Examination Regulations (SER) and the Regulation on Student Fees and Benefits (RSFB). They coordinate the operation of the Colleges for Advanced Studies and the student organisations (their accreditation is the responsibility of the Student Union). They organise programmes, too, of course, and provide students with information.  

What are the key events? 

Period of nominating the candidates  

Date: 10 April 2022, 0:00 – 14 April 2022, 23:59 

This is the time when individual candidates and groups of representatives may apply for membership, and the student community can vote for these candidates.  

Any student may apply for membership, all they have to do is submit a few documents to the email address provided in the Notice of Election: 

  • a document containing the name, the year, the study programme, a motivation letter and a photo (election poster),  
  • a document officially certifying the active (not suspended) student status,  
  • the following statement: they accept the provisions of the Statutes 
  • if they wish to be nominated as an individual candidate, a statement of the constituency in which you want to be nominated 
  • if you wish to be a part of a group, a declaration of acceptance of the constituent document of the group 
  • your consent to the disclosure of the listed data for the duration of the elections 

You will find detailed information in the Statues of the Student Union, Section 14.  

Voting period 

Date: From 25 April 2022 

The voting is valid if at least twenty-five per cent of full-time students participated in a certified way. If that is not accomplished within two weeks, the voting may be extended according to the Statutes.  

The voting will be conducted through the Moodle. 

See the Statutes for more details.

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