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Proof of Concept Start-up Competition – Win millions of financial support to realize your idea!

2021-12-03 09:57:15

The Proof of Concept Start-up Competition (PoC Competition) will be be organized in the 2021/2022 academic year too, with a budget of HUF 18,000,000 to support the realization of the students’ projects.

In addition to bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students, this year international students with a valid student status (meaning they are not exchange students) can also apply and receive financial and mentoring support for their project ideas. 


Without the right financial and professional support, university students’ ideas often do not reach the stage of development needed to enter the market. The PoC Start-up Contest provides a solution for this problem with ensuring a financial and professional support for the them. The PoC Start-up Contest aims to promote the development of an entrepreneurial mindset among students at the University, but also to provide financial and professional support for new ideas, innovative products or even for the preparation of the creation of a spin-off or start-up company.  


In the PoC Start-up Competition we are looking for innovative ideas which are in the early stages, although the project idea should have a market-oriented approach which could lead to the realisation of tangible products or the development of a process or service, potentially in collaboration with other sectors.   


This year the total budget of the PoC Start-up Competition is 18,000,000 HUF which provides financial and professional support for 15 projects. In addition to this, the jury will award 3 sepcial prizes who will receive an additional HUF 500,000 for the further development of their ideas.  

In addition to funding, the program also provides professional support: students selected in the first round will receive personalized mentoring for nearly one and a half months, which will enable them to develop the technologic and strategic steps needed for their idea by working together with their mentors to get their ideas to the stage of business exploitation as soon as possible. 

The competition welcomes next to the submissions of last year’s winner projects, the application of bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral student’s of Corvinus University of Budapest, either individually or in a group of two.  


Application deadline: 10 January 2022 (Monday) 12:00 


More infromation and application can be found here


The Proof of Concept call is funded by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology through theNational Research Development and Innovation Fund under the University Innovation Ecosystem Grant Programme, in the framework of the project 2019-1.2.1-EGYETEMI ÖKO-2019-00022. 

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