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Plant Simulation Software available for use at Corvinus

2020-10-16 06:31:56

The program is designed essentially for simulating and optimising production and logistics processes in industry.

Users can model different levels of production with the help of the program, from the operation of manufacturing cells to complex factory environments. Plant Simulation is an object-oriented application with which models can be built up of objects integrated by developers or created by the user. The model created from objects can be supplemented with so-called methods and program fragments, each influencing the way the model functions.

Ultimately, the program is used for assessing and optimising the operation of the system in place, from a certain perspective or perspectives. The product is supported by Siemens’s partner in Hungary, called graphIT Kft. For professional articles on Plant Simulation visit the blog called Digital Factory (Digitális gyár).

For Plant Simulation click here!

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem


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