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Our students successfully participated in Students’ Associations Conference of Agricultural Sciences

2021-04-14 13:35:22

The 35th section started with the Agricultural Science Section.

The 35th section started with the Agricultural Science Section. NSSAC conference series. Our agricultural students were represented this year with a record number of 10 dissertations. In addition to two second and one third places, our competing students also won two special prizes.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Agricultural and food marketing department: 

  • Second place: Márk Maral Zalán – The situation of the EU organic label among Hungarian consumers – Factors of familiarity and regular shopping, consultant: dr. Áron Török
  • Special prize: André Edina – The situation of artisanal beer consumption in Hungary, through the example of Legenda Brewery, supervisor: dr. Balogh Jeremiah Matthew

Department of Agricultural Economics:

  • Second place: András Báló – Is the juice of cheap meat diluted? Agri-environmental model of the EU-South American Common Market in the light of the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement, consultant: dr. Mátyás Szabó
  • Third place: Maróty Mariann Mimi – Investigation of the competitiveness of agricultural trade in Uganda, with special regard to the coffee trade, supervisor: dr. Balogh Jeremiah Matthew
  • Special prize: Márk Zóán Maró – The Hungarian brandy sector – factors influencing the profitability of wage breweries and commercial breweries, consultant: dr. Áron Török

Congratulations to the students and their consultants!

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