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Our student defended her professional title at this year’s Squash MEFOB 

The National University Squash Championships were held for the fifth time at the City Squash Club.

The competition was organised in 5 categories this year, with 45 entries from 14 universities. After the official opening, the competition kicked off at 11am. In the women’s amateur category, an Egyptian competitor, Badr Faeeda, surprised the athletes and defeated last year’s winner Andrea Acél in the semi-finals, but in the final she had no chance against Nóra Bartha-Boncz. 

1 Nóra Bartha- Boncz EKKE 

2. Badr Faeeda BME 

3. Andrea Acél Pázmány 

In the end, there were five professional women left, and Sára Nagy emerged victorious with the best set ratio in the three-way tie and defended her title. 

1. Sára Nagy CORVINUS 

2. Borbála Filyó BGE 

3. Eszter Harmath BME 

There were 10 entries in the teachers’ category. This year Erik Balázs and Péter Sákovics played in the final again. The third place went to Balázs Árpád Szűcs, who was competing for the first time this year. 

1 Erik Balázs PTE 

2. Péter Sákovics ELTE 

3. Balázs Árpád Szűcs Corvinus 

In the amateur men’s category, last year’s champion Krisztián Hegedűs marched smoothly to the final, but was stopped by former junior Szilárd Lengyel. Máté Vajas, who defeated Róbert Sebestyén and Róbert Bencsik stood at the top of the podium in the end. 

1 Szilárd Lengyel BME 

2. Krisztián Hegedűs EKKE 

3. Máté Vajas TE 

In the professional men’s category, there were also high quality matches. Simon Nagy won the tournament confidently, without losing a set, and this year he took home the hand-painted MEFOB vase. 

1 Simon Nagy University Széchenyi 

2. Barnabás Rózsa Corvinus 

3. Péter Szebeni BME 

The competition was made possible with the support of Corvinus University, courtesy of Csaba Vladár. 

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