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“Once a CEMSie, always a CEMSie!” – Useful information and testimonials about CEMS

2024-06-11 11:36:00

Adél Hadházy is studying for a Master’s in Management and Leadership in English. A special feature of the course is that students who are accepted are also enrolled in the CEMS programme. What you should know about the programme was shared with us by the President of the CEMS Club Hungary for the spring semester 2023/2024.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Adél’s story started from the Bachelor of Business and Management, which she also started at Corvinus in 2018. During her studies, she applied for Erasmus to Canada, but due to the Covid pandemic, the trip was cancelled at the last minute, and she was only able to complete the courses online. Not only did the epidemic prevent her from travelling abroad, but she was also unable to enjoy being in a student organization and the case competition that was very close to her heart.   


About CEMS  


CEMS is a double degree programme for Master’s students. Since 2022, the English-language Master’s in Management and Leadership has been open to all students, with no specific application requirement. The programme is structured in such a way that students complete their compulsory and elective subjects at home in the first year at Corvinus and in the second year they have to fulfil the general requirements of the CEMS programme. This means, among other things, the acquisition of 66 credits, which can be integrated into the original course of study. For other Master’s programmes, the credits must be completed outside the programme, but some of them may be accepted for the Corvinus Master’s programme if they fit the requirements. In the second year, students can choose to spend the autumn or spring semester at the partner institution abroad. The 32 partner institutions allow students to apply to almost any European or even non-European country, but only one university in each country offers CEMS, making our institution unique in Hungary.   


CEMS also has partnerships with more than 70 companies that help students to acquire marketable skills. When selecting the destination country, it is possible to rank 15 universities, ensuring that students are placed in the destinations they have pre-selected.   






Adél had previously discovered Dublin on holiday and immediately took the city to her heart. Her main reason for applying was that she wanted to spend her semester abroad in an English-speaking country, which is how she chose Dublin. Luckily, she got into the university she wanted to go to, the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, where a maximum of one or two students can get in, based on their scores.   


She started her training at Corvinus University with 15 fellow students, with whom she formed a very good community. However, it was not only the university community that was special for her, but also the close ties she developed with the members of the CEMS programme. The CEMS Club student organisation is present in all the countries concerned, including Budapest. Its aim is to connect young people involved in the programme through various events and programmes. Membership is automatic, but you can also apply for various positions, including the position of president of the board. Adél started her in-house career as a member of the marketing team of CEMS Club Budapest in Hungary, then worked as the marketing team leader of CEMS Club Dublin and is now the president of the Hungarian CEMS Club for the spring semester.   


During the interview, Adél wanted to emphasise that CEMS is not just a programme, but a lifestyle. Members can connect with each other from all over the world and develop lifelong friendships and professional relationships. There will always be a common theme and you can find a common acquaintance with almost every participant. This is what brought Adele together with three special friends with whom she has developed a very close relationship. They first met on a case-solving course where they were teammates. As a result of this collaboration, they were selected by the instructor to participate in a case competition in Canada, which they won. But before that, as preparation, they took part in a case competition at Cornell University in the US, where they became the first European team to win first place out of 127 teams, a historic success. This was previously reported here. According to Adél, the fact that they are all members of the CEMS programme has contributed greatly to their success. Their open-mindedness, holistic vision and, of course, their outstanding collaborative skills were all an advantage in the competitions, in which they participated several times, logging in from four different countries.   






Those who enter the double degree programme face many new challenges. However, all these challenges build students up, who can come home with life-changing experiences and lessons. Adél recommends that once accepted, everyone should attend CEMS Club events, become an active member and find out about opportunities. Perhaps take on a position, such as board membership, which will also help you to make initial contacts at your partner university. Professional events are not only an opportunity for development, but they are also a great networking opportunity, so it’s worth getting as many people involved as possible.   


It is also useful to know that the CEMS diploma requires a two-month internship abroad, which gives the student another opportunity to develop in an international environment. In addition to mother tongue and English, a basic knowledge of one language is required.   


Although Adél envisages her future in Hungary in the long term, she feels that her experience abroad will greatly contribute to her future success. She believes she made the best decision of her life by taking the CEMS programme.   

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