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Neptun shutdown on 19 May 2023

2023-05-18 09:13:04

Due to the shutdown, the deadline for submission of the thesis and the registration for the final exam will also change.

Due to a major version update, the Neptun system will be shut down on 19 May 2023 (Friday) from 10 am. This shutdown is expected to last for 6 hours, until that time no functions will be available in the system. 

 We will inform you, when the Neptun system is available again! 

We would also like to inform you that since the shutdown affects the submission of the thesis and the application for the final examination, the deadline for the submission of the thesis and the application for the final examination has been extended until Monday 22 May 2023 (16.00). 

Thank you for your understanding! 

Neptun team/ Student Service 

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