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Miklós Pintér Elected President of Hungarian Operation Research Society

2020-10-20 09:20:12

University Dean Miklós Pintér has been elected

University Dean Miklós Pintér, of the Department of Operation Research and Actuarial Sciences Mathematics and Statistics Modelling Institution (Matematikai és Statisztikai Modellezés Intézet / Operációkutatás és Aktuáriustudományok Tanszék) was elected President of the Hungarian Operation Research Society (HORS) at the Society’s elections on 16 September 2020.



The members present at the online general assembly unanimously voted for Miklós Pintér; he will hold this function between 2020 and 2023. The members proposed multiple nominees for the other four positions of the presidency and as a result of the secret ballot the presidency will be made up of the following members during the next cycle: Botond Bertók (Pannon University, Veszprém), Sándor Bozóki (SZTAKI, Budapest), Csaba Fábián (Neumann János University, Kecskemét), Boglárka Gazdag-Tóth (SZTE, Szeged). Finally, the general assembly elected the following members of the Economic Supervisory Board: Péter Biró (KRTK KTI, Budapest), Balázst Bánhelyi (SZTE, Szeged) and Miklóst Krész (SZTE, Szeged). Our warmest congratulations to Miklós Pintér for his mandate in the name of all University citizens, wishing him success in his work in his new position.

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