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Managing Director of AACSB for the EMEA Region visited Corvinus

2023-04-06 10:52:18

Ron Tuninga, the new Managing Director of AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) for the EMEA Region visited Corvinus and met with the leaders of the University.

Ron Tuninga the recently appointed Vice President and Managing Director of the Europe, the Middle East, and Africa Region of AACSB, and his colleague from the AACSB Amsterdam office, Natalia Ilina, Accreditation and Member Service Manager made an informal visit to Corvinus on 4th April.  

Ron Tuninga has extensive experience as a leader in Higher Education, he served in senior positions at different prestigious universities across Europe, most recently as Vice President at Wittenborg University, but previously he also served as Dean at Kingston University London, the AVT Business School in Copenhagen, and the Maastricht School of Management. He was appointed as AACSB Managing Director last year, and started to coordinate the work of the AACSB EMEA region with a renewed dynamism. 

The visitors had a fruitful discussion with the President, the Rector, and the Chancellor of Corvinus, Péter Fehér VP for International Relations and Accreditations, and Zoltán Szántó, Dean of the CIAS and former VP for International Relations and Accreditations. Corvinus leaders had the opportunity to introduce the most recent developments at Corvinus, like the construction of the new Ménesi campus, and the establishment of the Center for Collective Learning.  

During the discussion the AACSB colleagues gave great ideas about how to make the most out of the benefits which come with the accreditation, including the networking opportunities with partner institutions and the possibilities to involve international colleagues into the projects at Corvinus. These new opportunities which came with the accreditation of Corvinus can greatly help the University to fulfill its mission and to become more visible not just in Hungary, but also internationally.  

AACSB which is originated in the United States, is worldwide alliance for Business Higher Education. Their Business accreditation is among the most prestigious, and Corvinus is the first and so far only AACSB accredited institution in Hungary, as it was awarded the accreditation last year

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