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Launching myView, the new student feedback system

2022-11-25 10:19:43

Your opinion is important to us!
Corvinus Ambassador

We have reached an important milestone in Corvinus University’s development toward international competitiveness and excellence in education and research. One of the key pillars of the Corvinus Renewal 2030 strategy is improving the student experience. In order to deliver on that aspiration, we have already achieved results in many areas, such as the launch of the Self Care platform, Voice, or Navigator. We are pleased to announce the launch of another digital tool, myView.

The University highly values shaping our institution’s future with your needs and opinions in mind. Channelling student feedback is a critical component of the University’s development and one that we have always prioritized.

We are introducing myView, the renewed student feedback system, aiming to ensure that feedback culture and development plans based on your feedback become an even more integral part of the day-to-day life at Corvinus.

The myView platform will replace HalVel and will launch this December, allowing you to provide feedback on your courses and lecturers in the current academic semester already in the new system.

The following significant changes are made in comparison to the previous system:

1. Timing of feedback

One of the most significant changes in myView is that the feedback questionnaire will be filled out on the last course occasion in the semester. The renewed survey takes 10-12 minutes to complete and will be available from December 12 morning this year. As we understand that filling out the survey on the last occasion is not always possible, the questionnaire will remain open for several days, until 23:59 on December 22, 2022.

Starting in 2023, there will be a standardized process for all course types (semester, quarter, and project-based as well), with the questionnaire opening immediately before the last class and remaining open for one week afterward.

2. New platform

The feedback surveys are available on the redesigned, user-friendly interface of myView. You can access the system from the website, from the MyCorvinus app, as well as from a link that will be sent to your university email addresses on December 12.
Completing the surveys will be possible both from a laptop and from a smartphone.

3. Form and content of question bank

Feedback questions have been renewed to better serve each type of course. Questions can can come from two sources: (1) central questions and (2) questions asked by the lecturers individually. You will be able to answer the central questions in three groups: requirements, course, and lecturer assessment.

4. Results

Following the completion of the questionnaires, you will have access to aggregated averages by course and lecturers in an easy-to-understand way. Results will be available after the exam period, with the system not only showing you the results of your own courses, but also the numerical results of all the courses available at the university.

You will be able to see the teaching competencies of lecturers in which they excel at the university based on the overall student feedback.

Starting from next semester, all students will be able to register for their exams at the same time, regardless of whether they have completed the student feedback surveys or not.

In the coming weeks, we will provide more information about the launch of myView on several channels and provide detailed instructions on how to use it and fill it out.

MyView will be available at MyCorvinus Hub at the following link: https://hub.uni-corvinus.hu/view, as well as from the MyCorvinus application or from the reminder email that will be sent to your university email addresses soon.

We hope that by introducing myView, you will have a more useful and informative feedback tool for your university life than ever before.

The University’s continuous improvement is our mutual interest, and your feedback will help us to develop and meet your needs.

Best regards,
Corvinus University

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