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International Doctoral Student Conference on Sustainable Development

2021-06-08 11:19:11

Third International PhD Conference on Thursday, May 27, 2021, in English, online.

The Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science (NKPDI) of the Corvinus University of Budapest, in cooperation with the Institute of International, Political and Regional Studies (NPRTI), organized its Third International PhD Conference on Thursday, May 27, 2021, in English, online. The event was supported by the Pallas Athena Domus Meriti Foundation (PADME) and organized by the NKPDI Geopolitics and Sustainable Development Program and the Department of Economic Geography, Geoeconomics and Sustainable Development.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

 The conference was entitled Environmental, social and economic sustainability in the light of the (geo) political challenges of our age, defining the thematic focus of the event. 

The traditional event has grown into one of the largest doctoral conferences in the country in recent years. In addition to Corvinus, PhD students also came from several other universities and doctoral schools in the country, including Debrecen, Gödöllő, Győr, Pécs and Sopron. Nearly half of the participants were foreign students. We can hear about 60 lectures in 12 sections. 

During the morning program, the participants were able to follow six and in the afternoon three parallel sections, chaired by the teaching and research staff of the Institute of International, Political and Regional Studies. The presentations of the thematic sections around the concept of sustainability covered, inter alia, the links between social inequalities, geopolitical challenges, global and regional integration, political thinking, and natural resources and sustainable development. 

Both the organizers and the participants are committed to continuing the tradition and are confident in the possibility of holding it next year, now in personal form.

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