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How can precision farming work on a small scale? A systematic literature review – Publication by Tamás Mizik

2022-12-02 13:05:27

The publication by Tamás Mizik was published in the Precision Agriculture.
Corvinus Épület

Abstract: The agri-food industry faces a great challenge due to the growing global population. When considering land scarcity, this can be solved only by a higher production efficiency. Precision agriculture (PA) provides a potential answer. Most farms, especially in developing countries, are small-scale units that have difficulties in applying precision agriculture technologies. On the basis of the systematically selected articles, major benefits and constraints were identified, and solutions were provided. Due to the low economic performance of smallholdings, (demonstrated) economic benefits are essential; however, it should be added that PA also provides potential environmental benefits. The five main constraints of precision agriculture technologies at the small-scale level are small land size, high cost of adoption, technology-related difficulties, lack of professional support and lack of supporting policy. The solutions provided by the literature are various, including, among others, joint/collective actions, zone delineation/field boundary detection, cooperation-cooperatives; low-cost technology, common machinery usage; education, (common) knowledge, use of standards, simple and user-friendly technology; professional support of vendors, advisors, agricultural contractor services; and policy-initiated investments and adequate regulations, respectively. Lower cost, modular technologies can help to accelerate PA uptake. 

Dr. Mizik Tamás tamas.mizik@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Fenntartható Fejlődés Intézet / Agrárgazdaságtan Tanszék
Egyetemi Tanár / Professor
C épület, 308
Phone: +36 1 482 7209 • Ext: 7209
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