Dr. Lilla Vicsek (Department of Sociology) as Principal Investigator and Dr. Róbert Marciniak (Institute of Strategy and Management) participated in the preparation of the proposal on behalf of Corvinus.
Both are also the University’s Centre for Artificial Intelligence Integration (CAII) members. The consortium of 10 partner organizations from 9 countries (including 4 universities, 3 deep tech companies and 1 science and technology park) will be part of the Horizon Europe ERA (European Research Area) Talents program. The CITADELS project, which will run for 4 years starting in 2025, aims to foster collaboration between academic and non-academic sectors and promote responsible research and innovation among research and innovation (R&I) professionals and support staff working on deep tech technologies. In the framework of the grant project, Corvinus University researchers will conduct multi-country corporate research in the area of human-centered and responsible AI development and industrial application but will also develop training material to support the training of professionals, organize workshops and a regional innovation day. The project will also provide opportunities for several talented staff working in research and R&I support at Corvinus University to engage in research, training and international study tours.