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Five good reasons to go for counselling

2020-09-30 08:57:04

Why is it useful?

When and why should you consult a professional with your problems? The best answer to this can be given by the experts. We share with you the papers of Corvinus Student Support Services staff on a monthly basis. The following article was written by Head of Psychological Support Nóra Palkovits, specially for you, university students.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem


I can solve my problems on my own! – is a frequent statement and argument against counselling. We, the Corvinus Student Support Services professionals, only wish to confirm this for those coming to us. This is because the assumption that the counselling psychologist solves the client’s problems or makes decisions instead of them is wrong. We undertake a completely different task when students come to us for a consultation. In this article, without claiming to be exhaustive, we list five good reasons why you should seek consultation with the Student Support Services.

1. You are safe

There are topics that are hard to talk about even to ourselves, not even to others. Because of this, you may easily be left alone with problems or seemingly insignificant doubts that you never dared to raise. You are not alone. The frameworks of counselling, such as confidentiality, the counsellor’s attention and impartiality provide the security to address issues that are important to you. Professional frameworks are the cornerstones of psychological work, and can thus provide something other than a friendly, parental, or mentoring approach, which is also essential to experiencing security.

2. You are taking a step towards yourself

Counselling can only be applied for voluntarily, i.e. no one can be sent or forced to participate. The focus is on your individual motivation, and the primary question for the professional will be the reason why you came to the consultation and where you want to go. Your question will be our topic, counselling will be your step towards yourself.

3. This is your time

It’s almost a luxury, but imagine that you have 45 minutes every week when you have to/may deal with yourself. Believe it or not, it is also worth practising the way of self-care when the time for yourself and Me-time is unquestionable. It can’t be postponed, it can’t be reorganised, you cannot move it but it stands in the calendar and reminds you that now you are next in line. The counselling framework provides 45 minutes for 6 weeks to think about yourself in career, learning, or other psychological topics.

4. Opportunity for change

The ability to change is there in all of us. We often desire to behave differently, to be present in our own lives and relationships, and not to do things automatically just like a robotic pilot. However, change itself is rather a drawing process than the work of a moment. The form of counselling is an opportunity to form a station on the path to change where you can gather your strength, browse through possible paths and directions, and move more consciously toward your goal.

5. You get munition

The term ‘tanácsadás – advice’ used in Hungarian is less accurate than the English word ‘counselling’, as the psychologist or counsellor will not bombard you with specific advice and solutions during the consultations, but will be present with their questions and feedback to help you unfold. The role of the psychologist can be different for each counsellor: they may act as a mirror, a map, a facilitator, and sometimes a companion on the path. You can think about your needs with your counsellor and learn how you can communicate them to your environment. You can find the potential within you, learn ways to apply what you already know, and ways to learn new things about yourself. You can take a range of experiences and thoughts with you, which will help you deal with or experience a conflict, a difficult feeling or situation on a daily basis, and help you not only be an observer but also an actor of your own story.

Read the original article at the website Közgazdász Online

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