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EUROpt, the Continuous Optimization Working Group of EURO: From idea to maturity – Publication by Tibor Illés

2022-12-02 13:10:36

The publication co-authored by Tibor Illés was published in the EURO Journal on Computational Optimization.
Corvinus Épület

Abstract: This brief note presents a personal recollection of the early history of EUROpt, the Continuous Optimization Working Group of EURO. This historical note details the events that happened before the formation of EUROpt Working Group and the first five years of its existence. During the early years EUROpt Working Group established a conference series, organized thematic EURO Mini conferences, launched the EUROpt Fellow program, developed an effective rotating management structure, and grown to a large, matured, very active and high impact EURO Working Group. 

Dr. Illés Tibor tibor.illes@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Operáció és Döntés Intézet / Operációkutatás és Aktuáriustudományok Tanszék
Egyetemi Tanár / Professor
C épület, 708
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