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Decision support for corporate sustainability: systems and stakeholders – Publication by Mária Farkas and Réka Matolay

2022-10-24 11:02:26

The publication by Mária Farkas and Réka Matolay was published in the Journal of Decision Systems.
Corvinus Épület

Abstract: Decision support systems for corporate environmental management and ecological sustainability are proliferating, this paper explores their directions in a multifaceted literature via an integrative literature review. Besides delineating the interrelated areas of decision support systems for sustainability, we study the role of internal stakeholders in their implementation. In our review, we examine a relatively mature field (Environmental Decision Support System, EDSS) and an emerging field (Green Information System, Green IS), and their potential interplays. The importance of stakeholder inclusion in general, and the participation of end-users in the design and implementation of decision support systems, in particular, are analysed in the EDSS literature. The Green IS has a prospective future in decision support with its capacity to capture corporate environmental performance. Green IS literature, however, has just recently identified the significance of employee participation: barriers and potentials to engage employees have already been identified but still to be explored.

Matolay Réka reka.matolay@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Kutatási és akadémiai közösségért felelős rektorhe / Intézetek / Vállalkozás és Innováció Intézet / Innováció és Üzleti Inkubáció Tanszék
Egyetemi docens / Associate Professor + Közösségi Alapú Oktatási és Kutatási Központ – Corvinus Scie
E épület, 385
Phone: +36 1 482 5311
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