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Corvinus University of Budapest prepares for a change of rector

2023-06-08 14:50:00

Prof. Dr. Előd Takáts to step down from his position as Rector of Corvinus University of Budapest on 31 July 2023. His relationship with the institution will not end: he will remain a professor at Corvinus.

Prof. Takáts leaves the Rector’s office on 31 July 2023. During his period, the institution has made significant progress towards its strategic goals of becoming an elite regional university and of making its graduates key players in the economy and society of Central Europe.

In the last three years, the University has tripled the number of research publications in the most prestigious scientific journals, bringing it closer to becoming the leading institution in Central Europe in the field of economic and social sciences in international higher education rankings by 2030. Corvinus has strengthened its international embeddedness, organizing several international conferences with renowned foreign speakers, which have further enhanced its prestige in the global academic world. Leading researchers at the international forefront have joined the University for longer and shorter periods, both through CIAS and through our International Advisory Board. The AACSB accreditation, the first to be earned by a Hungarian university, has further strengthened the University’s international embeddedness. Under the leadership of the Rector, the academic division has been redesigned: the institutional structure has been reorganized on a disciplinary basis, based on strategic considerations and a unified set of operational principles. The reform of the Senate also contributed greatly to the renewal of the University during this period. Előd Takáts established the Gyula Illyés Talent Support Programme, which aims to give students living in difficult domestic situations a chance to succeed in university admissions.

In the future, Mr Takáts would like to devote more time to international academic, economic and financial work and research, which have inevitably been sidelined by university management and organizational tasks.

The Corvinus University of Budapest and the Maecenas Universitatis Corvini Foundation, maintaining the university thank Előd Takáts for his work, efforts and strong commitment to education, science and university life. The Corvinus University of Budapest wishes him every success in his international academic activities. Előd Takáts will remain a professor at Corvinus.

The maintainer Maecenas Universitatis Corvini Foundation will take the necessary measures by 31 July to ensure that the Rector’s duties will continue to be carried out to a high standard_ML, in line with the university’s strategic objectives.

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