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Corvinus joins Researchers’ Night with more than 20 programs this year as well

2021-09-07 07:44:35

On Friday, September 24th, 2021, we welcome participants in person and online with various lectures and workshops in English and Hungarian at the Researchers' Night.
Researcher's Night

On the last Friday of September, the University campus reopens its doors to those interested in science and research while there is also a wide selection of online programs.

This year’s novelty is that foreign guests can also choose from our English programs.

In addition to presentations and workshops on interesting and current topics, Corvinus is going to host experiments, competitions, discussions, lab visits and an exciting debate theatre as well.

The full list and details of the programs are available on the Researchers’ Night  website. Browse the program offer and learn about BCE researchers’ latest projects and research results. We look forward to welcoming you online and in person from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Friday September 24th.

Contact person

Pap Melinda melinda.pap@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Kutatási és akadémiai közösségért felelős rektorhe
Vezető kutatási szakértő
E épület, 217
Phone: +36 1 482 5287, +36 30 758 7266 • Ext: 5287
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