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Corvinus Executive MBA Alumni pave the way for innovation in Steering Committee Meeting

2024-04-17 16:59:00

During the inaugural Alumni Steering Committee (ASC) meeting on the 8th of April 2024, seven esteemed graduates of the Corvinus Executive MBA program came together with Program Director Andrea Toarniczky and Vice President of Stakeholder Engagement Serge Sych to establish the program’s first informal alumni volunteer leadership group.
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Zoltán Bokányi (‘24), Zoltán Csiszár (‘24), Lukas Noskovic (‘21), Tamás Jager (‘19), Katalin Radvánszky (’16), Osman Yilmaz (‘15) and Dávid Fehér (’14) are distinguished alumni volunteers who come from various professions and sectors, each having their own reasons for joining the Alumni Steering Committee. However, what united them all was a shared aspiration to give back to their alumni community and support present executive MBA students in getting the same enriching experience they once enjoyed in our institution.  

Aside from getting to know each other and discussing the ASC’s goals, they have established the foundation for their first Alumni Event, reflected on the relevance and fit of the Executive MBA program’s Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs), and made recommendations for its future development. 

The important initiative will work in close collaboration with the executive MBA program director, with support from the central Alumni Relations and Careers team. Together, they will strengthen the alumni volunteer movement, as well as identify ways for alumni to enrich and support the executive MBA program and their alma mater.  



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