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Our accounting department also took over Lake Balaton

2021-07-21 09:08:35

This year’s rowing race across Lake Balaton was held at the weekend

This year’s rowing race across Lake Balaton was held at the weekend, including two dragon boats of the Corvinus Accounting team.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

The strong wind was a bit of a surprise: one of our boats reached the finish line, but the other unfortunately capsized. Nevertheless, the weekend race was an enjoyable event, and there are plans to participate in next year’s competition as well. Accuracy in accounting is crucial, so here is a detailed report by the initiator and organiser, Eleonóra Tarpataki.

‘On 10 July 2021 our colleagues from the Corvinus Department of Accounting, helped by their family members, took part in the traditional rowing race across Lake Balaton once more (they already proved successful in the race between Fonyód-Badacsony last year). Hardly surprising, the hot windless summer weather turned into stormy conditions by the time of the race, this time without heavy rain.

Due to our regular early morning routine throughout the academic year punctuality was not a problem: the team arrived at the venue of the race in time and pitched camp after the necessary arrangements (tickets, coupons, declarations, etc.) determined to have a good time in the next few hours. Eventually, a few of us set out to find our rental boats. Our dragon boats bearing the account group numbers 3 and 5 were located in the left corner of the free beach section: number 3 for receivables, securities, cash and cash equivalents, and prepaid expenditure; and number 5 for cost types. After a while we all got seated on either side (credit or debit), and upon the starter’s signal started rowing rhythmically.

The race was pretty adventurous; finally, we managed to land on Zamárdi beach without significant losses (1 pair of flip-flops, 1 pear of sunglasses), received by enthusiastic fans and supporters. We even got our medals! Lastly, there was nothing left to do but prepare this report for all of you to read.’ 

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem


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