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Citizen Science travelling exhibition opens at Corvinus from March

2023-02-24 11:23:26

The posters will be exhibited in our Library's classroom.
source: PTE Egyetemi Könyvtár és Tudásközpont Facebook page

The European Commission has recently set up a working group to promote Citizen Science and share good practices in Europe, which met in Hungary last September. 

The workshop was hosted by the NRDI Office and co-organised by the University of Pannonia and ELTE. The workshop also included a poster exhibition showcasing Citizen Science projects implemented or ongoing at Hungarian universities. 

Building on the success of this exhibition, they would like to present Citizen Science as widely as possible in a travelling exhibition at universities and other science communication related institutions in Hungary. 

This travelling exhibition will open in the teaching room of the Corvinus Library from 1 March, where anyone can see how something becomes community science and how anyone can get involved. All are welcome. 

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