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Change in the Vice-Rector positions at Corvinus

2024-07-25 10:13:00

As of 1 August, Lajos György Szabó will take over the duties of Vice-Rector for General and Educational Affairs.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Bruno van Pottelsberghe, the new Rector-elect of Corvinus, will take office on 1 August 2024, and at the same time there will be a change in the Vice-Rector positions.  

Former Acting Rector György Lajos Szabó will resume his duties as Vice-Rector for General affairs and will take over the duties of Vice-Rector for Education from 1 August. Réka Franciska Vas’ term of office as Vice-Rector for Education will expire on 31 July and she will continue her academic career as Associate Professor at the Institute for Data Analysis and Informatics.  

Réka Franciska Vas has successfully continued Corvinus’ renewal efforts. The undergraduate portfolio was completely renewed, with the introduction of two integrative bachelor’s degree programmes unique in Hungary, and a radically new master’s degree portfolio has been developed. With her contribution we created the Corvinus Teaching Excellence model and launched the first international MAB (Hungarian Accreditation Committee) accreditation. The University’s management would like to thank Réka Franciska Vas for her dedicated work and wishes her every success in her further academic and teaching activities.   

Ágnes Zsóka, who has also carried out a significant part of the duties of Vice-Rector for General Affairs until the arrival of the new Rector, will resume her duties as Vice-Rector for Academic Development from 1 August.  

Following his appointment in February, Zoltán Oszkár Szántó will continue as Vice-Rector for Research until 31 December 2024, in addition to his duties as Dean of the CIAS.  

We wish them every success in their work!  

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