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Call for RiConfigure Video Idea Competition

2021-02-22 11:32:11

Do you think that civil society is important for social innovation?

Do you think that civil society is important for social innovation? Are you an active social media user? Do you like making and sharing videos? Can you show, in a short video, that people need to know that they have a say in how society evolves and that they can make their voices heard in a myriad of ways? By participating in the competition, you will be able to achieve all that, and get a chance to win!

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

What will you need to do?
Produce at least 5 short videos destined to be shown in social media (video ideas and/or semi-finished videos – the more complete, the better the chances of winning):

  • 4 videos to promote the booklets that will be published by the RiConfigure project about the work of the social labs that took place during the project,
  • 1 to promote the RiConfigure project – and what YOU find meaningful about them to share to the world.

Corvinus students with an active status in the Spring 2021 semester can apply in teams of max. 3 people.

The two best entries will win a scholarship of 2500 EUR each to finalize their project!

You can find resources and additional information on how to apply in the official call for applications here.

Should you have any questions, we’re here to help here: riconfigure_video@uni-corvinus.hu

Deadline for applications and producing the semi-finished video materials: March 12, 2021.

The RiConfigure project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grand agreement 788047. It is exploring new patterns and stakeholder engagement in research and innovation (R&I). The organizer of the Video Idea Competition is Corvinus University of Budapest a member of, and on behalf of the RiConfigure consortium. 

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