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“A good Executive MBA programme will buy you into the VIP club”

2024-06-03 15:29:00

A good HR manager always has plans A, B and C for succession to senior management, but to do this, the talent within the company needs to be developed. We talked to Anna Kaposvári, Head of HR at Claas Hungária, about what an Executive MBA degree is worth from an HR perspective and why she recommends the Corvinus Executive MBA (dual degree in partnership with MSM – Maastricht University) programme to the selected employees.
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“It’s very difficult to get good workers on the market, because good professionals are usually taken somewhere, they have to be lured. In comparison, I think we are much better off if we train our own proven, talented colleagues,” says Anna Kaposvári, Head of Human Resources at Claas Hungária, who says that one of the most important tasks of an HR manager in the current market environment is to retain good employees.  

But this also requires a strong motivation package for staff members, especially for young people on the rise, in terms of professional development opportunities. Anna also gives an example from her workplace: she is about to send a talented young employee to Germany for three months as part of an in-house rotational professional programme, but this is only the first step, as an HR specialist she plans for several years ahead. If the selected colleague continues to perform well in the coming years, Anna will recommend them to apply for the Corvinus Executive MBA (dual degree in partnership with MSM – Maastricht University) programme to achieve their next career goal.   

“In a well-established company, the HR manager always thinks about the succession of managers. Behind each person currently in the leading position, there should be an A, B, C player who can replace the leader if necessary. However, training new talent is a time-consuming process, and you need to start early,” explains Anna.  

The Head of Human Resources at Claas Hungária has sent the employees selected for management traineeships to Corvinus Executive MBA (dual degree in partnership with MSM – Maastricht University) programme for years. This is explained by the high ranking of the programme in national and international rankings, and the progress made by the staff who have completed the programme.  

“The great strength of Corvinus programme is that it gives a global leadership perspective and is very practice-oriented. The programme is taught by lecturers with up-to-date knowledge of market operations, who teach through real-life business problems. This programme is no longer about learning the theory, but about learning how to apply it in practice,” explains Anna.  

In addition to these aspects, the Head of HR also sees the different professional experience of team members from different sectors as the strength of the Corvinus Executive MBA (dual degree in partnership with MSM – Maastricht University) programme because the participants can learn a lot from each other during the group tasks. 

“And not least, the students can buy into an exclusive VIP club, as the network of contacts they acquire during the programme will always be available to them later on,” adds Anna Kaposvári.  

She not only thinks about the Corvinus Executive MBA (dual degree in partnership with MSM – Maastricht University) programme for management traineeships, but also recommends the programme to top-performing professionals. 

“Unfortunately, it’s a common HR solution in this country to try to promote good professionals as managers. This often means losing a good professional and gaining a bad leader. “I believe that there are good experts who don’t become senior managers, but they also need the kind of global, comprehensive company knowledge that this programme gives them,” she explains. 

“Instead of sending the expert to various communication training courses, I think it makes much more sense to enrol them in a good Executive MBA programme, where they will develop their soft skills and leadership skills in addition to business knowledge. This way, by the end of the programme, I think we can bring a staff member who previously only worked as an expert at least up to the level of a good middle manager”, adds Anna Kaposvári. 

Apply to Corvinus Executive MBA (dual degree in partnership with MSM – Maastricht University)! 

Early bird application deadline: June 3.  
Normal application: September 6. 

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