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A delegation from the Ministry responsible for Education visited Corvinus

2024-05-21 14:28:00

Representatives of the University received a delegation of the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on 7 May. The meeting focused on the practical functioning of the Stipendium Hungaricum and Diaspora Scholarship Programmes and on the discussion of future priorities.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

In the latest stage of his university visit, Miklós Lengyel, Deputy State Secretary for Training, Scholarship Programmes and Science Diplomacy, took part in a professional meeting at the Gellért Campus of Corvinus University of Budapest, which opened in February.  

The delegation was hosted by the University under the leadership of Péter Fehér, Head of International Affairs. The purpose of the meeting was to exchange experiences between the MSME, the Tempus Public Foundation and the higher education institution’s experts on the implementation of the 10-year-old Stipendium Hungaricum (SH), the SH Sport and the Diaspora (DFP) Higher Education Scholarship programmes, and to review the related guidelines and proposals.  



Corvinus has been participating in the programme since its inception in 2013, which has contributed significantly to the internationalisation of the University, with over 800 scholarship students from 64 countries currently studying at the Institution. 

During the visit, the Deputy State Secretary met scholarship students from Corvinus and had a separate meeting with the heads of the institutions and the heads of the departments.  

The Deputy State Secretary presented the strategic guidelines for the next period of the programme’s implementation:  

  1. The integration of international and Hungarian students and the promotion of the teaching of Hungarian as a foreign language and culture. 
  2. Strengthening the Alumni Network. 
  3. Priority support for STEM+ educational programmes (in science, technology, engineering, mathematics + agriculture, health).
  4. The further improvement of the quality of Hungarian higher education by strengthening the relevance of educational programmes offered to international students and by further improving the quality of training and student services. 
  5. Quality and institutional awareness in the implementation of the scholarship programme.



          Corvinus representatives presented the University’s internationalisation achievements and efforts to the delegation and exchanged views on professional proposals and suggestions related to scholarship programmes.  

          Over the last decade, there has been a significant positive change in the results of the students admitted to the programme, and Corvinus’ quality ambitions are also strengthened by the excellence programme. A lot is going on in the scholarship programme, with the recruitment of international students now coming to a close, and colleagues working on the preparation of the licensing application to enable the institution to participate in the programme in 2025-28. 

          After the professional part of the meeting, participants toured the Gellért Campus, home to the most sustainable higher education building in the country. The community-designed campus in Buda, which can accommodate 680 students, features co-operative learning spaces, a four-storey dormitory, a sports centre and a park. 


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