55th Anniversary Reunion at Corvinus

May 15, 2024 was a special day for the graduates of 1969, as they gathered for their 55th anniversary reunion. Over 170 former students came together to reminisce about old memories and rekindle friendships. The participants arrived at the university’s main building in high spirits, with most already engaging in conversations with their peers at the entrance.
In the morning, attendees visited the Corvinus University Historical Exhibition, which showcases the history of the first institution of higher economic education from its founding to 2013 through pictures and documents. The exhibition provided an excellent opportunity for our alumni from the late 60s to discover the changes that have occurred within the institution since they received their diplomas.
Following the museum visit, Rector Dr. Lajos György Szabó and President Dr. Anthony Radev welcomed the gathering and shared their thoughts on the university’s development and ambitions.
The event was crowned by an intimate lunch, during which the participants shared some memories of the past, as well as updates about their current lives. During the meal, old friends, classmates, and peers recalled the years when they tackled exams, celebrated successes, and laughed at student pranks together. These cherised memories brought them closer yet again, as the passage of time could not erase the bonds that once united them.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Jenő Kázmér Böszörményi, our former student, for his selfless and persistent organizing efforts, his willing collaboration with the Corvinus Alumni Office, and his dedication to maintaining the community spirit of the class of 1969!