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Career support

What we do: careercoaching and CV consulting


If you are a foreign student at Corvinus, Career Support Team can provide you 1-2 occasions of individual counselling free of charge. Basically, our counsellors can support you from a self-knowledge perspective, we are happy to help you if

  • you feel it would be great to discuss your concerns about your professional life-path with a career counsellor,
  • you need some help in finding out what you really want, or what really suits you,
  • you have already tried many things, but it is still hard to define what you are good at,
  • you are unsure if you are attending the faculty or work in a position that is good for you,
  • you feel something is going wrong in your professional life.

You can also ask for one-occasion online CV consultation, if you need some very practical advice regarding your resume/CV.,

Don’t hesitate to contact us!

For more information/ asking for an appointment: 

Career Guide

Download our 4-parts CareerGuide, you can use it as a self-coaching material free of charge.

How should you start seeking for a job? What factors should be kept in your mind and considered previously?
To create a proper CV, it is essential to dedicate time for yourself and think your experiences and goals through. CV guide helps you in this process.
2 basic elements of preparing for an interview: gathering information and self-knowledge.
What’s the difference between an online interview comparing to a personal one, and how to get prepared for?
We tell you what to consider in this situation.

What we don’t deal with: matchmaking, job placement, internships, work permits

Please note, that Career Support Team of Student Support Services cannot help you regarding the following topics.

Please let us remind you, that job placement and internship possibilities are the competence of the Corporate and Institutional Relations department. You can find job and internship possibilities here on their website: https://www.uni-corvinus.hu/main-page/life-at-corvinus/jobs-for-students/?lang=en

In case of any questions, you can write them email to karrier@uni-corvinus.hu

You can registrate on their weekly career newsletter here: https://www.uni-corvinus.hu/ninja-forms/1359e8de

(Please note, that If you have filled the Career Newsletter questionnaire in NEPTUN already, you don’t have to fill this one. If you fill this survey too, you will get two newsletters.)

Career support team is not the appropriate team to answer your questions regarding work permits and other administrative or legal issues. Please ask your program coordinator or try to contact experts on the links below regarding to have all the valid information you need on this very special field.

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