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Inclusive Learning

The university provides support for students with Special Education Needs (SEN) to ensure equal access to learning. The grant is called reasonable modifications (sometimes called “accommodations”). Reasonable modifications must be made to the tasks, environment, or standard procedure in order to guarantee that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in academic programs.

Enrollment for SEN students in Short – Term (Maximum One Year) Programs

Your dedicated Program Coordinator (P. Coordinator) will guide you through your entire student lifecycle. The P. Coordinator will provide you with the most up-to-date information about enrollment and support:

  1. Students with a chronically health condition or Special Educational Needs (SEN) are invited to voluntarily reveal their specific learning condition to the P. Coordinator while applying for admission to our university or when you are first admitted.
  2. The dedicated P.Coordinator is in charge of informing the students about the accessibility and study benefits that may be provided to students with special needs.
  3. The Special Learning Documents (SLD)*** that exchange SEN students obtain from the sending university must be submitted during the application period.
  4. The notification of the enrollment outcome will be sent to applicants through email.
  5. You should initially get in touch with your P. Coordinator if you has any queries or concerns.

***The SLD documents may also be referred to as ” Special needs Report/ Letter of special educational support/Accommodations Letter (Plan)/ Individual Learning Plan / Assignments Letter/Accessibility Letter/ Verified Individualized Services and Accommodations (VISA) etc.”

Reasonable modifications in Short-Term Programs

Students in short-term programs may qualify for support(s) during the course and tests based on special needs reports from their home universities.

Here are some examples of suitable classroom modifications:

  • Preferential seating 
  • Access to recorded lectures
  • Access to copies of other students’ lecture notes
  • Provision of assistive technology (laptop, C-Pen Reader, Roger hearing device, screen magnification and physical magnifying glasses)
  • Access to electronic formats of prescribed reading material
  • Access to digital materials, enlarged print display of hardcopy materials
  • Use of a medical monitor authorized:
    • Allowing students to monitor their health in class using a digital device
    • Allowing access to consume food, water, and/or medication in the classroom
  • Permission to stand:
    • The student has permission to stand at the back of the classroom as needed to alleviate disability related symptoms  
  • Flexible Absence due to disability-related symptoms:
    • In any situation, the student is required to inform (preferably by email) the lecturers in advance or by the end of the day of the missing class.
    • The student has permission to leave the classroom suddenly in the event of acute onset of disability-related symptoms

Here are some examples of suitable exams modifications:

  • Priority Registration:
    • Early enrollment is available to students with disabilities who require specialized instruction, or have serious mobility issues, or have a chronic health condition requiring a rigid treatment plan
  • Extended Time:
    • The student is allowed time and a half (an additional 50%) on timed tests, quizzes, exams, and in-class written assignments
  • Reduced distraction environment for exams:
    • The test must be taken by the student in a peaceful, proctored environment without any interruptions.
    • Testing is allowed in small groups (fewer than 10 students, or more if testing is taking place in a wider area that provides for space between students)
    • Separate test site is allowed
  • Allowing access to take breaks on exams:
    • The student may not leave the exam room and a break is not to exceed ten (10) minutes for every 60 minutes of exam time  
  • Alternative Testing:
    • Allowing the use of assistive technology in examination
    • Exams will need to be made available electronically
  • For in-class work, students should be given tolerance if there are spelling or grammatical mistakes

Registration for SEN students in Long-Term Programs (Programs lasting more than a year)

The support is based on Health Professional’s Report may include:

  • alternative assessment and examination conditions
  • alternative format course materials
  • access to a range of assistive equipment 

To be eligible for this support, you will need to:

  • register as early as possible
  • take several steps to prove your eligibility

The accomodations you will receive depends on your individual needs and recommended adjustments that will minimise the impact of disability.

You can help effective scheduling process by providing us with all your free timeslots from Monday to Friday at disability@uni-corvinus.hu

– The disability or chronic disease is not listed on your diploma. –

In order to request accommodations from the University, the students with Special Education Needs (SEN) must complete the following registration process:

  1. Complete the REGISTRATION FORM in the official student database NEPTUN.
  2. Submit a Professional Assessment Report or Health Professional Report which contains the diagnostic statement identifying the disability condition and the recommendation on reasonable academic special arrangements, exemptions and or/other support services.
  3. Submit the form and relevant supporting documents on the NEPTUN (based on our policy the Disability Committee shall decide on requests until 15th October in case of the autumn semester and 15th March in the spring semester).
  4. Applicants will receive application result notification via Neptun or email. 
  5. The Disability Support Coordinator (DSC) will contact registered students for an individual meeting to discuss further support that would be appropriate, reasonable, and effective, if necessary. 
  6. The student will liaise with those academical departments about support services requested in order to facilitate student’s university life. 

Current students with valid studentships are welcome to register their special educational needs (SEN) anytime during their study when such needs arise and please take into consideration that the preparing and registration periode mention above will take time.

Registration is voluntary. You are free to withdraw at any time without any consequences.

Reasonable modifications in Long-Term Programs

The benefits which may be provided in case of students with developmental issues and special learning needs are:

Students with dyslexia, dysgraphia and dysortography:

  • the replacement of the written examination with oral examination, and the oral
    examination with the written examination
  • ensuring a longer preparation period than the preparation time set out for students
    without disabilities in case of written examinations
  • providing the necessary tool for the examination (especially computer, typewriter,
    spelling dictionary, thesaurus, synonym dictionary),
  • exemption from the whole, a part of or the level of the language examination;

Student with dyscalculia:

  • exemption from calculation tasks but theoretical knowledge may be required
  • enabling the use of all the aids during examinations that the student has already used during
    his / her studies (especially tables, calculator, configuration, mechanical and manipulative
  • ensuring longer preparation exam time

Students with hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder (ADHD):

  • the replacement of the written examination with oral examination, and the oral examination
    with the written examination
  • ensuring a longer preparation period than the preparation time set out for students without
  • minimizing the student’s waiting time during examinations
  • the use of special tools and equipment necessary for solving written tasks
  • taking a longer examination in several installments, or allowing breaks without leaving the
    examination room, allowing activity involving movement, tolerating emotional manifestations
  • examination separated from the other students
  • depending on individual needs during oral examinations – at the student’s request – writing
    down or repeating the questions, breaking down complex questions into sub-units, helping to
    clarify expectations and questions
  • making the questions and items during lectures, practical classes and examinations
    accessible on a sound recording device or digitally
  • providing personal assistant for institutional administration

Students with behavioural dysregulation (disruption of socio-adaptive processes, emotional control, self or toward others, aggression, anxiety, self-control weakness showing behavioural characteristics, adaptability, the targeted behaviour, self-organization, and meta cognition different development):

  • the replacement of the written examination with oral examination, and the oral examination with the written examination
  • taking a longer examination in several installments, or allowing breaks, tolerance of individual impulses and emotional manifestations
  • examination separated from the other students
  • depending on individual needs during oral examinations – at the student’s request – writing down the questions, clarifying expectations and questions, simplifying and clarifying the questions and instructions
  • ensuring a longer preparation period than the preparation time set out for students without disabilities
  • providing personal assistant for institutional administration

The benefits which may be provided in case of students with autism are:

  • the circumstances of the examination must be adjusted to the special needs of the student, the substitution of a written examination by an oral examination or an oral examination by a written examination, 
  • provision of assistance in the course of examinations to clarify expectations and issues, in case of oral examination the simplifying and clarifying of questions, and instructions, 
  • preparation period longer than the preparation period determined for students who do not have any disabilities, 
  • the use of special applications during the courses and the examinations (primarily recordings, computers, dictionary, other support information and communication technologies,), 
  • exemption from under the language examination or a part or level thereof, 
  • do to the difficulties arising from the developmental disabilities exemption from certain practical requirements, or appropriate substitution of same by the performance of non-practical tasks, 
  • ensuring personal assistance in performing institutional administration tasks.

The benefits which may be provided in case of students with speech disorder are:

Students with dysphasia, dyslalia, dysphonia, stuttering, gabble, aphasia, nasality, dysarthria, mutism, severe speech perception and speech comprehension disorder, central lisping, delayed speech development:

  • the replacement of oral examination with a written examination and enabling the use of
    special technical tools during examinations
  • exemption from the whole, a part of or the level of the language examination
  • ensuring a longer preparation period than the preparation time set out for students
    without disabilities
  • providing personal assistant for institutional administration

The benefits which may be provided in case of students with reduced mobility are:

  • partial or full exemptionfrom the performance of practical requirements or performance of same in analternative manner,
  • the substitution of awritten examination by an oral examination or an oral examination by a writtenexamination,
  • exemption from under thelanguage examination or a part or level thereof,
  • providing opportunity forthe use of special tools and equipment necessary for the performance of writtentasks,
  • exemption from theperformance of tasks requiring manual skills, with the condition that theknowledge of theory may be tested,
  • providing a preparationperiod longer than the preparation period determined for students who do nothave any disabilities,
  • ensuring personal assistancein performing institutional administration tasks.

The benefits which may be provided in case of hearing impaired students (deaf , hard of hearing ) are:

  • partial or full exemption from the performance of practical requirements or performance of same in an alternative manner,
  • the substitution of a written examination by an oral examination, in case of an oral examination, if the concerned student requires it, the provision of a sign language or oral interpreter,
  • exemption from under the language examination or a part or level there of,
  • with respect to clarity and understanding of the terms of lectures and examinations a simultaneous display of what has been said in writing for the concerned student,
  • the provision of tools and visual illustration aids in case of every examination,
  • to provide a preparation period longer than the preparation period determined for students who do not have any disabilities,
  • ensuring personal assistance in performing institutional administration tasks, provision of note taking interpreter or a sign language interpreter.

The benefits which may be provided in case of visually impaired students (blind, partially sighted) are:

  • partial or full exemption from the performance of practical requirements or performance of same in an alternative manner,
  • the substitution of a written examination by an oral examination, or in case of a written examination the use of special technical tools,
  • exemption from under the language examination or a part or level thereof,
  • exemption from the performance of tasks requiring manual and or visual skills, with the condition that the knowledge of theory may be tested,
  • access to questions and topics during lectures, examinations andassignments via sound recording device, in a digital form, Braille writing or in a magnified manner,
  • to provide a preparation period longer than the preparation period determined for students who do not have any disabilities,
  • ensuring personal assistance in performing institutional administration tasks.

Recharge Room Building E. 240.1

We’d like to briefly introduce a university service that helps a lot of students but is seldom known.

The Campus “E” Building, 2nd Floor, 240.1 Room, offers a quiet recharge room for the university community, mainly for students with special needs.

The Recharge Room is suitable for:

  • urgent situations, sudden sicknesses
  • students with disabilities
  • chronic patients (such as diabetics and transplant recipients)
  • parents of young children
  • pregnant women

The space is appropriate for having a quick nap, caring for young children, or discreetly and hygienically administering medication.

Only those who have registered in advance at disability@uni-corvinus.hu may use the recharge room.

Registration is not required in case of emergency!

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