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Legal and Procurement Services

The organisational unit providing legal and procurement services is a functional unit which carries out the legal and procurement duties of the University under the leadership of the Chief Operating Officer, its activities being managed by the Head of Legal and Procurement Services. It fulfils its duties with respect to all the activities and business premises of the University. Where a university’s internal regulatory document refers to the Head of Legal Affairs, this shall be understood as the Head of Legal and Procurement Services.

Key duties of the organisational unit

  • Carrying out economic legal tasks in the field of supporting activities complementary to the core activities, in cooperation with other University organisational units.
  • Drafting, issuing, keeping records of, giving an opinion on, certifying the legal compliance of documents of a legal nature with regard to activities which supplement and support the core activity, in particular contracts, cooperation agreements, unilateral legal statements, other documents, model contracts and standard forms.
  • Maintaining and developing the process supporting the conclusion of contracts and other processes falling within its scope of duties.
  • Checking the legal compliance of contracts within its scope of duties as well as their compliance with internal regulatory documents.
  • Performing legal counselling, monitoring legislation, notifying the management of legislative changes, giving opinion on draft legislation.
  • Giving an opinion on the internal regulatory documents of the University. 
  • Developing the regulatory frameworks of institutional governance, enforcing the regulatory principles, fulfilling codification duties as necessary, issuing internal regulatory documents and keeping records thereof.
  • Carrying out the legal tasks related to the preparation of internal regulatory documents falling within its competence, making proposal for the amendment of other regulatory documents, giving an opinion on them, checking, interpreting them.
  • Initiating legal proceedings arising from the University’s activities, providing legal representation, legal professional coordination in judicial and extrajudicial procedures, as well as initiating and managing in a comprehensive manner the administrative procedures falling within its scope of duties.
  • Managing and coordinating the work of external legal counsels.
  • Conducting the public procurement procedures in compliance with the laws, coordinating the procedure in case of involving an external adviser. Managing the official electronic sites of the public procurement procedures and judicial proceedings, keeping records of and managing the access authorisations.
  • Performing debt management.
  • Coordinating legal and other professional translation tasks.
  • Providing legal counselling in strategic matters. Carrying out the legal preparation, implementation of international-level developments, conducting legal due diligence.
  • Maintaining contact with the authorities in legal matters concerning the core activity.
  • Initiating legal proceedings, providing and organising legal representation in judicial and extrajudicial procedures, as well as initiating and managing administrative procedures in a comprehensive manner. 
  • Providing legal oversight for the operation of the student unions, providing legal support with regard to the issues of the student unions.
  • Performing verification and authentication related to official administrative and other inquiries concerning the programmes and any persons who do not have student status.
  • Fulfilling the administrative duties related to the functioning of the Executive Committee, drafting the resolutions and keeping records thereof, during which it shall closely cooperate with the Chief of Staff.
  • Liaising with the Board of Trustees.
  • Fulfilling the administrative duties related to the functioning of the Senate, drafting  the resolutions and keeping records thereof, during which it shall closely cooperate with the Chief of Staff.
  • Carrying out the administrative tasks for the committees acting in student appeals and student disciplinary matters as well as ethical issues.
  • Drafting and developing the rules of document management. Coordinating central mailing and filing tasks.
  • Managing and keeping records of signature specimens, keeping records of the electronic right of representation and electronic signatures, keeping records of the stamps.
  • Fulfilling the duties of the data protection expert and data protection officer, fulfilling general publication tasks and tasks related to requests to access data of public interest.
  • Fulfilling the legal duties related to the business and civil society organisations falling within the scope of interest of the University.
  • Fulfilling the data provision obligations falling within its scope of duties.

In the area of procurement, the main duties of the organisational unit shall be to develop, organise and support the procurement, storage, travel, transport and central stock management processes of the University, to ensure, operate and develop the related service portfolio, including the following duties: 

  • Performing all the tasks related to operating the procurement processes of the University, creating the associated regulatory environment. 
  • Concluding the framework agreements on the standardised product scope obtained as a result of processing the data on the procurement of equipment and materials by the university, creating stocks in order to ensure more effective and faster service in line with the annual procurement planning process.
  • Developing the internal processes of equipment and services whose procurement cannot be standardised, ensuring flexibility in providing the necessary resources. 
  • Offering advanced and personal support in organising the travel service-related tasks of the university in the case of trips funded from grant sources or complex, high-value trips involving several destinations.
  • Organising the internal and external transport tasks of the university by the suppliers of the University.


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You may submit your applications and requests scanned, via e-mail and mail. The application form is available under the ‘Downloadable documents’ section!

H-1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8. fjsz@uni-corvinus.hu


Dr. Balogh Emese Katalin emese.balogh@uni-corvinus.hu
E épület
Rigó-Loós Olívia Boglárka olivia.loos@uni-corvinus.hu
E épület, 283
Phone: +36 1 482 5302 • Ext: 5302
Bágyi Andrea andrea.bagyi@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Operatív főigazgatói szervezet / Jog és Beszerzés
szenior felsőoktatási szakértő / senior higher aducation expert
E épület
Mráz Viola viola.mraz@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Operatív főigazgatói szervezet / Jog és Beszerzés
felsőoktatási asszisztens / higher education assistant
E épület
Székely-Magyari Laura Anna laura.magyari@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Operatív főigazgatói szervezet / Jog és Beszerzés
felsőoktatási asszisztens / higher education assistant
E épület, 283
Phone: +36 1 482 5302 • Ext: 5302
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