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EMAC Annual Conference 2022

How to get to MOM Sport (Conference Dinner venue) from Corvinus University of Budapest by taxi and by public transport?

You can order a taxi from the company Főtaxi. Approximate cost: 2.800-3.400 HUF (8-9 EUR); distance: 4.3 km; duration: 11 minutes.

If you take the public transport, first option is that you can walk 12 minutes from Corvinus to Ferenciek tere, where you can take bus 8E or 110 or 110E or 112 to BAH-csomópont, then walk 2 minutes to MOM Sport (altogether 22 minutes).

Second option for public transport is that you can take metro line M4 from Fővám tér to Móricz Zsigmond körtér, then take tram 17 or 61 to BAH-csomópont, then walk 2 minutes to MOM Sport (altogether 25 minutes).

Notifications for the competitive papers have been sent out to all authors on 09/03/22. If you have not received it (check your spams), send an email to Anne-Laure Marteaux (emac@eiasm.be).
Notifications for the special sessions and the EMAC Doctoral Colloquium will be sent out in the coming days.

The Annual Conference and the Doctoral Colloquium will be both held onsite.

Marketing is a relatively new discipline in the history of science. Although, its scope covers one of the most dominant part of our practical life and all of us are deeply involved, from an academic perspective, after more than half a century, marketing is still struggling to achieve a reputation that a matured discipline has.

What is the message of this for the future? How will the discipline evolve? What will change as it is getting mature? EMAC 2022 will aim to explore the future scenarios and their effects.

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