2023 EDAMBA Annual Meeting and General Assembly
Doctoral Programmes in the Service of Society
3-5 September, 2023
Unfortunately, not enough people have registered for the event to be viable and we have taken the regrettable decision to move the meetings online.
Registration will be open soon.
For those, who paid the registration fee, we will refund the payment.
Save the date!
EDAMBA General Meeting and General Assembly
September 3-5, 2023.
Please visit https://www.edamba.eu/edamba-annual-meeting for further information
The overarching theme is ‘Doctoral Programmes in the Service of Society’.
This year’s theme will focus on the important topic of ‘Sustainability’
Three keynote speakers are
- Professor Gerardine Doyle, Professor of Accounting and Taxation at University College Dublin and Director of the Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School. She will speak on interdisciplinarity covering grand “societal” challenges, such as health, inequality, and sustainability.
- Professor K.E.H. (Karen) Maas, Endowed Professor of Accounting and Sustainability at the Open University of the Netherlands and academic director of the Impact Centre Erasmus (ICE). She will speak on Sustainability.
- Professor Laszlo Zsolnai, Director of the Business Ethics Center at Corvinus University of Budapest. He will speak on Business Ethics and University in the Anthropocene.
Three key focus areas:
- Accreditation and quality enhancement
- Impact on society and service to our community
- Sustainability and green management
Local organizers
Local responsible person
Dr. Havran Dániel
mester.dekan@uni-corvinus.hu, daniel.havran@uni-corvinus.hu
Rektori Szervezet / Oktatási rektorhelyettes – Oktatásmenedzsment
Dékán, Egyetemi Docens / Dean, Associate Professor
E épület, 212, 257
Phone: +36 1 482 5103 • Ext: 5103, 5216
E épület, 212, 257
Phone: +36 1 482 5103 • Ext: 5103, 5216
Member of EDAMBA Executive Committee
Contact: edamba.conference@uni-corvinus.hu
Quality, community, diversity, knowledge