Why are so few women selected for top positions?
Two Corvinus researchers have participated in unique research into executive selection in V4 countries.Two Corvinus researchers have participated in unique research into executive selection in V4 countries.
The experiences in the V4 countries are varied, some countries have big differences. Both the Polish and the Hungarian respondents (headhunters and company executives alike) mentioned the conservative social attitudes as negative effects on women’s careers. Respondents from both countries admitted the closed attitudes of their societies in terms of cultural differences and, in Hungary especially, the unequal distribution of house and family work, where looking after the children was perceived to be the sole responsibility of women.
A whole complex solution seemed to have emerged from the interviews, on how to increase the proportion of women in top management positions. Many were suggesting that schools should be doing more for equality, so that the sexual stereotypes do not limit the career choices of students (eg. career counselling). Many of the respondents had faith in company policies, mainly in flexible working options that should be available to all, in showing role models for women and providing mentoring for women. It was also regularly mentioned that women are reluctant to take on higher responsibility roles, so they should be educated, while women seem to think they do not get the same opportunities. It was brought up that regulators and policy makers should provide help, by introducing mechanisms that expect and push the issue of gender equality through.”
Further details can be found here:
- https://egyenlitoalapitvany.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/PRESS-RELEASE-Equaliser-Foundation-diversity-research-2021_EN.pdf
- https://www.uni-corvinus.hu/hir/meg-mindig-keves-a-noi-felso-vezeto/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=munkatarsi-hirlevel&utm_content=2021.06.01.
- vg.hu