What does the Corporate and Institutional Relations division of the Corvinus University of Budapest (CUB) offer to researchers and professors?
Corporate and Institutional Relations divisionCooperation with the business sector:
- Establishing active and mutually beneficial connections between the University’s professors, researchers, and private sector (from SMEs to multinationals)
- Offering of the institutions’ intellectual competences, as services to partners
- Informing professors about intellectual property, patents, and trademarks and helping in the procedures to achieve it
- Creating direct, one-channel connections to business partners, with the aim of creating a hub/platform/space for corporate collaborations
- Hosting events for companies, together with the University’s professors and researches (e.g. SKEOF conferences and TOP100 Corporate Conference at CUB)
- Finding potential sponsors for events, competitions organized or coorganized by CUB (e.g. Danube Cup)
Improving educational collaborations:
- Channelling demands of partner enterprises to the university’s academic life
- Promoting the entrepreneurial mindset among students, researchers and professors
- Implementing corporate projects and case studies either into the curriculum or separate research initiatives (e.g. MVM/NKM case solving competition)
- Creating unique modules through the Non-Degree educational/training programs
- Identifying potential partners for dual education and internships, assisting with the contracting process
- Organizing and hosting start-up competitions, assisting with the mentoring system
Technology transfer, commercialization of research and innovation results:
- Incentivising result-oriented technology transfer and innovation management, for example through implementing research findings into the curriculum
- Commercializing the university’s research findings through corporate collaborations (e.g. publications, patents, trademarks)
- Supporting research and publications by including our corporate and institutional partners and gaining access to their resources (e.g. non-public databases)
Monitoring and tracking funding possibilities (within Hungary), generating projects (starting from April 1st, 2021):
- Monitoring calls and public tenders that are relevant to the University’s profile (including education, research, industry development and innovation, infrastructure development). Tender monitoring also includes opportunities which require tendering as a consortium. (e.g. EU-funds within the framework of the “future Széchenyi Plan” and NKFIH)
- Creating projects for these tenders, coordinating them within the University and assisting with securing funds or finding corporate or academic partners
- Coordinating the tender writing process