Research results on data management practices at Corvinus University
The online questionnaire on research data management and needs assessment ended at the beginning of January, 2022. Research results were presented during Research WeekThe questionnaire on research data management was filled in by 100 faculty members, academics, and 58 students including Ph.D. students of Corvinus University.
A research flash report on the research results was presented at a lecture during the Research Week. The lecture also announced the new data management services of the Library, a new facility for research support at Corvinus University.
Results of the questionnaire confirmed that there are numerous areas where teachers and students would like to get more information on research data management. The most frequently mentioned fields include copyright and licensing related to research data, selecting an appropriate data repository, information on appropriate data citation, and implementation of the “FAIR” data management guidelines.
Regarding the needs and expectations towards our library’s data management services in practice in addition to running training and workshops, the vast majority of respondents expressed their interest for a course or a lecture on research data management and the related guidelines and practical implementation of data management tools included in the doctoral curriculum. Every second respondent emphasized the importance of operating an institutional data repository for researchers and academics affiliated with the institution.
Further information:
Erika Kurucz, Research data steward, University Library,