Library services during the coronavirus pandemic
Library services are provided electronically. The librarians are working from their homes, and do their best to assist the readers in every way.Corvinus staff and students:
Contact us
Ask us, message the Library at this link.
Inquire via email.
We try our best to respond to every question within a few hours, or on the next work day, the latest.
Ask us via chat: Monday- Friday: 9:00-12:00 and 14:00-17:00
Online sources
Databases: A great selection of e-books, e-journals and unique databases are available through VPN. (Tip: Check the Databases by subject listing.)
SuperSearch: This is a search engine that enables search in several databases at the same time. (Tip: Use the ‘full text’ filter.)
Corvinus Research Archive and PhD Dissertations are available free to everyone.
Corvinus MA Theses: VPN use is necessary for access
In the library catalogue you will find electronic books. Narrow your search in the advanced search option to ‘electronic documents’.
We also recommend the following:
Open Access sources. Tip: Use EconBiz, a virtual library of economics and business sciences. The search engine is in English and German.
Reading rooms, loans
The reading rooms are closed, it is not possible to borrow or return books.
Please keep your borrowed books with you until the Library reopens. Expiring duedates after 1 March, 2020 will be renewed until the reopening. We do not charge overdue fines for the duration of closing. Overdue fines generated prior to the closing of the Library shall remain.
For external library members:
Contact us
Ask us, message the Library.
Inquire via email.
We try our best to respond to every question within a few hours, or on the next work day, the latest.
Ask us via chat: Monday- Friday: 9:00-12:00 and 14:00-17:00
Library memberships and loans
The reading rooms are closed, it is not possible to borrow or return books.
Please keep your loaned books with you until the Library reopens. Expiring duedates after 01 March, 2020 will be renewed until the reopening. We do not charge overdue fines for the duration of closing. Overdue fines generated prior to the closing of the Library shall remain.
Online sources
We recommend the use of Open Access search engines and the Corvinus repositories. (Tip: Use EconBiz: a virtual library of economics and business sciences. The search engine is in English and German.)
Works published at Corvinus University and PhD. dissertations are available in Corvinus Repositories. Keywords of MA Theses are only searchable.