Learning & Teaching Forum of EUA
The European University Association’s Learning & Teaching Forum is an annual conference organized by the EUA with each year the event focusing on a current topic.This year the theme was: ‘On site, online, on point?’ – expressing the changing university education landscape under the pressure from the COVID pandemic (https://eua.eu/events/198-2022-european-learning-teaching-forum.html). The conference held between 18-19 February 2022 had close to 260 participants from dozens of Universities from Europe, who could attend 6 sessions over two days. There was a ‘peer groups’ day organized right before the two-days main event.
Researchers and teachers from the Institute of Informatics have been working on an Erasmus+ project with four international partners, and two members of the project, Csaba Csáki and András Gábor has submitted a proposal titled “Problem-based Learning Approach for the Curriculum Design of a Hybrid Business Information Systems Education” to the Forum. After reviews and updates, the paper was accepted, in fact, the proposal had been selected as the main presentation of Session P2 on “Designing fit-for-purpose curricula and assessment methods”, which has also featured three more, but shorter ‘practitioner’ insights. This main paper had 22 minutes for presentation followed by a 15 minutes long question-and-answer period, where an interesting discussion developed over five questions asked by teachers from the audience. The presentation by the two Corvinus professors was thus well received with close to 80 people attending their session online.
Although the Forum had originally planned to be held in Bilbao, due to the COVID situation organizers opted to an online format one month before the event. Accordingly, the event took place using the ‘Let’s Get Digital’ (letsgetdigital.com) platform, where on top of the session ‘rooms’, participant could engage in various online socializing activities using dedicated features of the software. The registration fees of the two Corvinus participants had been covered by the Research Support Office and the Institute of Informatics.