On the last Friday of September, the University’s campus opens its gates again for those interested in science and research by joining the Researchers’ Night program series.
The Researchers’ Night is a Europe-wide free event series which aims to promote science and research career. Through fun, inspiring lectures and playful programs, all age groups can get acquainted with the plentiful new results of scientific research.
The main objective of the event, initiated by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of the European Union, is to make researchers’ diverse work attractive to young people, boys and girls alike.
The scientific events offered by Corvinus University of Budapest on the Researchers’ Night are listed under ‘Programme’.
Corvinus University joins the event series on 29th September, Friday from 4 to 10 p.m. This year only in-person programs will be organized to ensure that visitors experience the atmosphere of the university on campus.
Dr. Lilla Vicsek
16:00 – 16:45 45 mins
Charles McFerren
16:00 – 17:00 60 mins
Theodore Sebastian Boone
16:30 – 17:00 30 mins
Moreno Frau
17:00 – 17:45 60 mins
Nuno Morgado
45 mins
Register your program for the Researchers’ Night
We are looking forward to the program registration of those Faculty members and colleagues who would like to participate in the event as lecturers and program organizers and wish to show the results of their research to the general public.
Register your program to increase the research visibility of Corvinus within the framework of the Europe-wide event series as well.
Submit the form below and give the exact content and data of your event. Program registration is open until 2nd September.
The recommended time frame of the programs is 30-60 mins.
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Contact us by clicking the button below
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Corvinus University of Budapest
1093 Budapest Fővám tér 8.