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CO-CRE8 - Co-Creating digitally enabled value for customers


The research group focuses on firm-customer value co-creation in a digitally enabled environment. The research group focuses on the impact of digital technologies in the interaction of the firm and customers and looks at how value and customer insight can be generated and exploited for marketing purposes.

In search of a cleaner value proposition – OTKA research project

The aim of the project is to gain an in-depth understanding of how firms employ digital data to innovate their production process (increasing efficiencies in the use of natural resources) and how cleaner production innovation influence cleaner value proposition.

We used mixed method – dual approach consisting of two distinct and interactive project phases, a qualitative and a quantitative one. The qualitative phase is prioritized which means that the quantitative phase is built based on the qualitative results.

The findings of this research show an empirical framework of six agri-food firms’ digital data utilization behaviors: the supervisor, the passive supervisor, the developer, the passive developer, the pathfinder and the conjunction behaviour. These digital data utilization behaviors vary according to a combination of data sources, such as internal data related to inside phenomenon measures (e.g. data generated by sensors installed in the production plan) or external data (e.g., market trends, overall sector sales), and innovation purposes.

Corvinus University of Budapest


Head of Research Center

  • László Molnár (PhD student)
  • Hikmat Mursalzade (PhD student)
  • Haruming Saraswati (PhD student)
  • Ludovica Moi (University of Cagliari, Italy)
  • Francesca Cabiddu (University of Cagliari, Italy)


Frau, M., & Keszey, T. (2024). Seeding innovation: the role of internal and external digital data in agri-food product innovation.

British Food Journal126(13), 286-302.

Corvinus University of Budapest

Frau, M., Frigau, L., Cabiddu, F., & Mola, F. (2023). Value co-creation or value co-destruction? The role of negative emotions in consumer-firm interaction in the social media platform.

In The Palgrave Handbook of Interactive Marketing (pp. 987-1011). Cham: Springer International Publishing

Corvinus University of Budapest

Frau, M., & Keszey, T. (2023). Agri-food firms’ attitude toward digital data exploitation in the product development.

Marketing & Menedzsment57(Ksz.), 33-40.

Corvinus University of Budapest

Keszey, T., Molnár, L., & Mursalzade, H. (2023). A vevői információminőség észlelését befolyásoló tényezők vizsgálata: A bizalom, szervezeti változások és turbulencia hatása.

Vezetéstudomány/Budapest Management Review54(12), 14-23.

Corvinus University of Budapest

Lukovics, M., Prónay, S., Majó-Petri, Z., Kovács, P., Ujházi, T., Volosin, M., Keszey, T. (2023). Combining survey-based and neuroscience measurements in customer acceptance of self-driving technology.

 Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour95, 46-58.

Corvinus University of Budapest


Managerial guidelines would influence firms’ attitudes toward digital data making them aware that analysing digital data will be beneficial to achieve cleaner production and shape appealing cleaner value proposition.

Contact us for cooperation


Previous partnerships

Univesity of Cagliari, Wageningen University, Norwegian University of Life Science, Kozminski University

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