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Invitation: International event on Community-Engaged Research and Learning

22 June 2022, 9.00-12.00, Corvinus University of Budapest

Join our in-person training seminar on community-engaged research and learning:

  • insights of courses with community partners
  • train the trainer „cookbook” for the upskilling of lecturers in community engagement
  • peer learning of lecturers via experiential learning
  • reimagination of courses for community-engaged learning

We cordially invite you to our international event presenting the outputs of the CIRCLET Erasmus+ Project.

The training seminar targets

  • lecturers and
  • education development staff interested in community-engaged pedagogies,
  • community engagement officers,
  • policy- and decision-makers of higher education institutions.

Please circulate this invitation in your institution to interested audiences.

We are presenting the courses reimagined in CIRCLET  as well as descriptions of:

  • How to redesign courses for community engagement?
  • How to run a continuous professional development online modul for community engagement?
  • How to set-up and run learning circles of lecturers for community engagement?

CIRCLET website: https://circlet.eu

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