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Gas market trends in 2021 – Online workshop

On November 11, REKK organised its yearly gas market workshop to analyse last year's trends of the Hungarian and regional gas market. High-level representatives of the government and the energy market presented their views on the challenges of the last and the next year in the panel discussion. The workshop was attended by 174 people.

Péter Kotek, Senior Research Associate at REKK presented the global and European gas market trends for 2021, followed by Ágnes Csermely, Head of Department at the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority, who provided data and insights into the Hungarian wholesale and retail market. In the panel discussion that followed, moderated by Borbála Tóth, Senior Research Associate at REKK, panellists spoke about the new infrastructure projects and their impact on gas flows in the region, and expressed concern about the unprecedentedly high gas prices in recent months.  


  • Szabolcs I. Ferencz, Chairman of the Board & CEO at FGSZ Földgázszállító Zrt. 
  • László Fritsch, Chairman and CEO of Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. 
  • Dániel Garai, CEO, CEEGEX Zrt. 
  • Pál Ságvári, Vice President for International Affairs of the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority 
  • Szabó Gergely, CEO at MET Hungary 
  • Dóra Zombori, Ambassador-at-Large for Energy and Climate at the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 

Detailed program available 

Presentations available 

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GEN.:2024.07.27. - 06:01:16