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Workload of teachers providing field training and laboratory exercises – workshop organized by the University

Corvinus University organizes a workshop on 26 November as part of the IVF project “Does well-being matter? Higher education teachers during Covid-19 pandemic.” The workshop provides the opportunity to discuss the workload of teachers, the participants can join in with a presentation or they can just sit in and learn about the challenges of their colleagues.
2021.11.26. 13:00
1093. Budapest, Fővám tér
Online event
Information: tamas.mizik@uni-corvinus.hu
Organizer: Mizik Tamás

Related contacts

Dr. Mizik Tamás tamas.mizik@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Fenntartható Fejlődés Intézet / Agrárgazdaságtan Tanszék
Egyetemi Tanár / Professor
C épület, 308
Phone: +36 1 482 7209 • Ext: 7209

The workshop aims to discuss the specifics and the time distribution and workload of teachers participating on the field trainings and laboratory trainings, analyse the challenges and trends in field and laboratory training and stimulate discussion on the pros and cons of laboratory and field training comparing to theoretical courses (with the emphasis on time allocation and well-being). 

Participants can join with or without a presentation (max. 15 minutes). It should focus on any aspect on field training and laboratory training and their influence n the teachers’ workload and well-being. 

Find out more about the project here

The registration is free, but please state the specification of the type of your participation and a proposal of the topic of the presentation. 

Registration deadline: 23 November 2021 

Registration and more information about the workshop: tamas.mizik@uni-corvinus.hu 

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