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“Watch out, bear?” How the media shapes our image of large carnivores | WWF Hungary @ Corvinus

Bears, wolves, bobcats - dreaded beasts or wonders of nature? Why do we fear some wild animals while celebrating others? And how does the media shape our feelings and opinions about large carnivores?
2024.12.03. 18:00 – 2024.12.03. 19:30
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date: 03 December 2024 18:00-19:30   
Location: Corvinus University of Budapest, Building C, Room C208   
Event language: Hungarian  

Dávid Sütő, an expert of WWF Hungary, will discuss the image of large carnivores in the media in Hungary: the discussion will focus on large carnivores themselves, the drivers of communication about them, and how information about wild animals appears in the media today and what effects this may have on public opinion.  

The event is free, but we thank you for registering here: https://www.uni-corvinus.hu/ninja-forms/1838wslc  

The discussion is organised and moderated by Till Anilla  

The event is organised in cooperation with WWF Hungary and the Department of Communication and Media Studies of Corvinus University of Budapest. WWF Hungary’s participation in the event is supported by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme within the framework of the LECA project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. 

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