The Marketing Doctoral Programme turns 30 – Conference on 5 June
Is marketing like a rocket in the sky, or is its smoke bigger than its flame? Perhaps we're waiting for the big bang, which is just a quiet pop from a distance? Do we fall back to earth as rain or as icy showers? In general, where does marketing go from here, and where does a doctorate in marketing go from here? Is it already 30 years old?The aim of the conference is to throw self-reflective, provocative-inspirational thought-provoking bits onto the sky of academic discourse, and then to allow participants to engage in a lively discussion.
The organisers of the event welcome anyone who has been or is involved in marketing PhD programmes over the last 30 years, as a student, lecturer or in any other capacity.
Date: 05.06.2024 (Wednesday) 14:00-18:00
Location: Corvinus University of Budapest, Gellért Campus Auditorium, 1118 Budapest, Ménesi út 5.