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Startup Safari Budapest 2021

Danube Cup 2021 international startup pitch competition
2021.04.21. 09:00
1093. Budapest, Online event
Entry fee: pl. 4000/fő
Information: +36 1 234-56-78 / loretta.huszak@uni-corvinus.hu

Corvinus University of Budapest and BME GTK are jointly organizing the Danube Cup 2021 international startup pitch competition for students of universities along the Danube. Danube Cup’s journey bears the name ‘IdeasGoLive by Danube Cup’, and it is to be held on 21 April 2021, online, in English.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

The highlight of the day is the final round of the Danube Cup 2021 startup pitch contest where 6 teams from 7 universities of 4 countries compete for the cup and the valuable awards designed to support their professional development. The president of the Jury composed of academics and accomplished entrepreneurs is founder of Berlin’s European School of Management and professor emeritus of ETH Zurich Derek F. Abell. One of the main prizes will be a meeting with President Radev, who will assist the award-winning team with expert advice and international experience.

In addition, the most promising startups will win tickets to the EU-Startups Summit, perhaps the most prestigious startup festival in Europe, taking place from April 28-30 online from Barcelona. They will also receive tickets to the Arctic15 event in Helsinki in June 2021, an online matchmaking event for startup entrepreneurs, investors, large corporations and the media from more than 60 countries.

Please, find the full program of Budapest Startup Safari HERE and on the Facebook page of the event.

We still have available free-of-charge tickets for Corvinus students/staff

We are looking forward to seeing you on Danube Cup’s journey!


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