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Research Seminar by Dr. Marlene Koch

The assistant professor of finance at Maastricht University School of Business and Economics holds a seminar with the title: Mandatory Pension Saving and Homeownership.
2024.11.25. 11:40 – 2024.11.25. 13:00
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date: 25-11-2024, Monday, 11:40-13:00  
Location: Institute of Finance – Room E.279.1. (Corvinus main building E, second floor) 

The abstract of Dr. Marlene Koch’s lecture: First, we explore the implications of mandatory minimum contributions to tax-deferred retirement accounts over the life cycle. These contributions defer housing market entry and increase loan-to-value ratios.  Second, we investigate three alternative pension systems: (1) early withdrawals to acquire homeownership, (2) age-dependent contributions, and (3) a flexible scheme, which builds on the intuition that it is not important how individuals build up savings as long as they build up sufficient savings, and only forces individuals to save when they miss the age-dependent savings target. All three systems lead to a similar wealth accumulation but lower loan-to-value ratios, usually earlier homeownership, and higher welfare. Third, we introduce fractional homeownership, another alternative to facilitate young and liquidity-constrained individuals’ housing market entry. This talk is based on joint work with Marcel Fischer and Bjarne Astrup Jensen. 

Marlene Koch is an assistant professor of finance at Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics, and a Junior Fellow at Netspar. Her research interests lie in financial economics, with a focus on household and real estate finance. Currently, she’s working on projects related to pension system design and individuals’ housing choices. 

Please note that this Microsoft Teams link is only in case you are unable to join the seminar at the Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of Finance, E.279.1. However, the meeting will be generally held offline. 

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